Affordable housing for ATU participants throughout Ukraine

From 15.07.2017r. the unlimited program of the special price from LLC "Ivgranbud" begins for the participants and families of the dead ATUs to build a private house.
This program includes a discount on all production and construction services in the amount of up to 25% of the retail cost, the total cost of the project. Obtaining a discount is possible if there are documents confirming participation in the ATO.
The words "industrial and construction services" mean:
- Production of project and project documentation;
- Construction works from foundation to interior finishing;
- Manufacturing of SIP panels with the possibility of selecting the core of the panel, such as expanded polystyrene and mineral wool.
Documents confirming participation in the antiterrorist operation:
A certificate issued by the commander (chief) of the military unit (body, division) or other head of the enterprise, institution, organization, institution, in the subordination of which were military units (organs, units), institution or institution in which the service or person worked ;
A certificate of a participant in hostilities.
Documents confirming the degree of kinship with the deceased:
- Certificate of marriage (for spouse)
- Birth certificate (for children / parents)
- 2 birth certificates (for sisters / brothers)
- Guardian / curator's documents;
- Documents on adoption (usually a court decision)
This decision was made in connection with the fact that it is easier to get a land lot than to get square meters in the city. Moreover, your house is not an apartment.
And the cost of building a house from sip panels is not more expensive than the cost of an apartment.